What use to matter, is on hold.
The things for which I am puzzled,are yet to be told....
What were those days, which my history holds !
The days were awesome with friends and family, I would love to unfold....
What happens going ahead might not be real !
The happenings in life are the only things from whomI don’t fear....
What we are today, or going to be !
Is a pattern of what we were and what we foresee....
What we do now, is next step of our life ladder
The deeds we did are anyways with us forever....
What charms me the most , is the appreciation I get
For the love I show and the respect ....
New people and New families I would be part of,
Being a wife is really smart choice to make as of....
Cherishing some last moments of bachelor hood, and waiting to live life to the fullest when my partner comes into my life and makes it more momentous……
The things for which I am puzzled,are yet to be told....
What were those days, which my history holds !
The days were awesome with friends and family, I would love to unfold....
What happens going ahead might not be real !
The happenings in life are the only things from whomI don’t fear....
What we are today, or going to be !
Is a pattern of what we were and what we foresee....
What we do now, is next step of our life ladder
The deeds we did are anyways with us forever....
What charms me the most , is the appreciation I get
For the love I show and the respect ....
New people and New families I would be part of,
Being a wife is really smart choice to make as of....
Cherishing some last moments of bachelor hood, and waiting to live life to the fullest when my partner comes into my life and makes it more momentous……