10 October 2007

Things You Do !

Love inside , with a burning pain
Why is it hard , to ever trust again
Things u love and things u admire
Are not the ones who really care.

Love outside, with a secret smile
Why is it there, when u walk alone a mile.
Things u like , and things u do
Not really are the best things for you.

Waiting for future, which is untold
Even when u know, deep inside what it holds.
Things u love and things u admire
Are not the ones who really care.

Waiting hard, for it to rain
Even when u know, it’s for vain.
Things u like , and things u do
Not really are the best things for you .

Remember alone , you have came
And journey ahead of life is going to be same.
Things u do and things u don’t
Are forever left behind , with people with which you have grown.
(pic from www.pdphoto.org)

1 comment:

G.O.D. said...

True and pure as always.....

I never can write what i feel n dream n think in such impactful n honest words..