26 April 2005

Fall- but not in love

Why to wait for 'someone' and
Why to crave for love.
In the mean whole world u live in
Dont give the reasons to other for urself getting hurt.

As emotions start to flow and rumble ,
Logic goes crumbling down like waves,
Expressing suppressions,
which were once locked away in their caves.

Keep urself away from fantasy of love
The never ending ecstasy of time it is.....
Captures ur mind for nothing and craves u more than for anything.
And stupidly makes u move beyond the enemy lines with it.

Beware with the role u have to play ,
Beware with rules u decide
sometime or other the chosen 'one' wud be reason for u to fall apart beside.

I guess peacefully u have come and will go
stand up for urself in the whole road .....
Follow the path of desires and mainly goals
untill and unless u give up on ur soul.

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