11 September 2005

Does Expectation Provide Anything?

Lets discuss on the topic,
Expecting i would myself resolve the matter.
Hate to admit that expections lead
towards my dream house to shatter.
Yes, I and others too... fall and get trapped in this web,
Exepecting from people they love and hate .......

What happens is for time being , some fulfill their 's and some
fall in dismay because of others.
Irony is still whole world is connected through it,
We knowingly or unknowingly do expect something or other from each other.......
Lets see relationships, expecting is the tie between the two ,
Still to prolong the time lap for relationship , i suggest less expectations
would definately delay the discussions we do not agree on,
and seperations we never thought of.
I myself have not and niether can all of us
fulfill what all has been expected from us.

Stil iam trying to come out of the web , explaining myself
for should i or should i not expect from others......
the sooner i find an answer .......
sooner i would be saving my dream house to shatter.

1 comment:

Abhijit said...

expectations happen and they matter,
expectations die and they fail,
learn not - not to expect but
even if they shatter, u keep up the sail.

The battles we fight,
make us weary and light,
might spoil dear one's expectations,
try as hard as we might.

Even i may fail ur expectations
for i am not a wiz
but listen to me - remember this
no matter what, i will be ur big bro and u will be my dear little sis.

luv bhaiya